Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Local Heroes

In less than a month, a record amount of snow has fallen on Amesbury. With these snowfall totals, the capacities of our public works and public safety operations have been strained and tested intensely as employees of the DPW, Fire Department, and Police Department continue to work long hours to keep our City safe. 

However, City employees have not been the only ones working diligently to help others throughout these storms. This historic winter has revealed the best in many of our residents who have gone above and beyond as volunteers to help their friends, neighbors, and our community. In recognition of these extraordinary efforts, I am now accepting nominations for the Local Heroes Award, honoring Amesbury residents who have gone the extra mile in community service. If you know someone who deserves to be recognized for their efforts this winter, please tell me their story in an e-mail to

This idea stemmed from conversations with several residents who have witnessed volunteer coordination efforts through email, city services, social media, and more. Thank you to those who have already come forward to share their ideas! I look forward to hearing more accounts of community service in Amesbury.
