Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Light the Falls

On Saturday, we celebrated the lighting of the Powwow River's falls in the Upper Millyard with a great event. The falls will now be illuminated every night thanks to an artistic lighting design.

The project was funded by a $50,000 Massachusetts Marketing Partnership (MMP) grant through the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism (MOTT) that was secured in the FY15 state budget by former State Representative Mike Costello. This is the same grant that also funded Amesbury's new welcome signs, and is funding the purchase and installation of a fountain at Heritage Park in the Lower Millyard. These three projects provide very visible returns on relatively modest investments, and they all contribute to the overall improvement of Amesbury's image.

I want to thank Amesbury's own Peter Cook at Stone Ridge Landscape & Design, Representative Costello, our supportive downtown restaurants and business community, and everyone who was involved in lighting the falls.

Below are some pictures from the event, and also some pictures from Stone Ridge Landscape & Design's website that show a behind the scenes look at the work that Peter and his team did to install the lighting array. You can see more pictures from the installation of the lighting at www.designsbystoneridge.com.

Enjoy the photos below, but the lighting can only be fully appreciated when seen in person. I hope you get a chance to see the falls lit at night if you haven't already.


Photo courtesy of Stone Ridge Landscape & Design

Photo courtesy of Stone Ridge Landscape & Design